In Favor of Park 51

• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: Kelsy Ensign
Publication The St. Louis Post Dispatch Date:8/17/2010
Cartoonist: RJ Matson U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Ground Zero- Color Cartoon# 20
What action is taking place in the cartoon? 
In this cartoon a protestor is holding a sign that says, “stop the mosque”, while standing near a target that symbolizes Ground Zero and the connection of the words surrounding him. The words written are unconstitutional, opposition, ignorant, bigoted, and demagogic. To the right of the centered target is a sign for the Islamic Community Center, stating its distance of two and a half blocks. 

Tone of the cartoon: 
1) positive or negative framing of people of color and/or diversity issues (circle answer)
2) challenges or reinforces racist attitudes (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about racial minorities and/or diversity issues
RJ Matson frames the protestor as ignorant by surrounding him with words of disapproval targeted at his actions. Matson uses this cartoon to convey the unjustified intolerance that some have for Muslims and the Community Center. The sign in the bottom right corner of the cartoon gives the Community Center a professional feel and states that it is 2.5 blocks away from the ground zero (represented by the target). The way that Matson surrounds Ground Zero with such words represents the true meaning of anti-muslim feelings. These words go against our countries original values, and prove that we are losing our basic principles by denying the Islamic community the right to build a community center.

• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: Kelsy Ensign
Publication The Washington Examiner Date:7/22/2010
Cartoonist: Nate Beeler U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon:Ground Zero Mosque COLOR Cartoon# 19
What action is taking place in the cartoon? 
In this cartoon Sarah Palin’s head is in the center of the box with a light bomb inscribed with the words religious intolerance on her head. It is symbolic of the cartoon drawn in a Denmark newspaper of the prophet Muhammad in 2005. She has an angry look on her face and is saying, “Repudiate the Mosque at Ground Zero!”, underneath her is written The Prophet Palin.
Tone of the cartoon: 
1) positive or negative framing of people of color and/or diversity issues (circle answer)
2) challenges or reinforces racist attitudes (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about racial minorities and/or diversity issues
Nate Beeler constructs the reality that Sarah Palin is a prophet, comparing her to the cartoon drawn of Prophet Muhammad. Sarah Palin exclaiming that we should have nothing to do with a mosque conveys her incapability to accept that people of the Muslim religion should have the same religious rights as others. This point is made clear through the words religious intolerance written on the bomb over her head. I think it is very interesting that Nate Beeler thought to create and image where a political leader of the United States was portrayed in the same manner as a Muslim Prophet that caused outrage among the islamic people. 

• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: Kelsy Ensign
Publication Columbia Daily Cartoon Date: 8/16/2010
Cartoonist: John Darkow U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: No Mosque No Mosque Cartoon# 18
What action is taking place in the cartoon? 
In this cartoon a terrorist is depicted in a cave asking his “little one” how the destruction of America is going. They speak specifically about the building of the mosque and there is even a map of New York city on the cave wall. 
Tone of the cartoon: 
1) positive or negative framing of people of color and/or diversity issues (circle answer)
2) challenges or reinforces racist attitudes (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about racial minorities and/or diversity issues
John Darkow’s cartoon is in favor of the mosque because it satirizes the conflict that we are having in the country over the building of a mosque near Ground Zero. He constructs the reality that terrorists will be more hopeful if the United States doesn’t build the mosque. Making the cartoon very interesting to me because most people don’t think of the mosque having that effect. John Darkow makes the point that by not building the mosque we are abandoning our basic principles of freedom of religion for all. Losing our faith in our original and true beliefs is what terrorists hope for.

• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: Kelsy Ensign
Publication The Denver Post Date: 8/17/2010
Cartoonist: Keefe U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Ground Zero Mosque Color Cartoon# 17
What action is taking place in the cartoon? 
  In this cartoon a woman walking her poodle near ground zero is stopped by a rioter with a sign saying, “No mosque at Ground Zero!”. The woman explains that the mosque is a cultural  center that cannot even be seen from Ground Zero, and that it is for moderate Muslims who denounce violence.  The man is wearing a baseball cap and has an angry look on his face, he is depicted as ignorant responding to the woman, “You’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists”. 
Tone of the cartoon: 
1) positive or negative framing of people of color and/or diversity issues (circle answer)
2) challenges or reinforces racist attitudes (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about racial minorities and/or diversity issues
The cartoon leads its viewers to an understanding of the mosque through its positive framing of the Muslims. An interesting point of this cartoon is that it negatively frames the white male, satirizing the average protestor. Opposing the man is the woman who states facts about the mosque, challenging the racist comments of the man who assumes that all Muslims are terrorists. Keefe creates the idea that the building of the mosque should not be so highly debated, that it’s not a big deal. 
• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name:         Kristi Lambert                                
Publication:                Mark Fiore                                                   Date:_08/18/10__
Cartoonist:                          Mark Fiore Blog                                       U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon:           Dogboy and Mr. Dan in Cat & Mosque       Cartoon#__6__
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
In the cartoon, Mr. Dan tries to present arguments of why the so called “mosque”, which is really a community center, should not be built at Ground Zero. Dogboy presents facts and valid points to the argument Mr. Dan gives. Through this cartoon, Fiore briefly touches on that the main issue of offending the families of those who died on 9/11. He also shows how weak and seemingly silly the arguments are of those who argue against the community center really are. 
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of people of color and/or diversity issues (circle answer)
2) challenges or reinforces racist attitudes (Circle answer)

What “reality” is constructed/framed about racial minorities and/or diversity issues?
The reality that is framed from this cartoon is that people are prejudging the whole issue and not looking at it more in depth. Mr. Dan represents those who are arguing against the “mosque” solely on the fact that they are generalizing every Muslim and holding them responsible for 9/11 and how it would be a mockery of those who died in the Twin Towers. Dogboy, on the other hand, presents the facts that many are not taking into consideration, as well as situations that are similar to the one at hand that no one is getting angry about. The “mosque” is in fact a community center, the proposed building site of the community center is 2 ½ blocks away from Ground Zero, and more are just a few. Fiore paints a reality that those who oppose it are ignorant and ill informed.  

• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name:   Kristi Lambert                                     
Publication:                  Cagle Cartoons                                      Date: 9/14/2010  
Cartoonist:                  Randal Enos                                U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon:             Ground Zero Mosque Color          Cartoon#   7   

What action is taking place in the cartoon?
Enos illustrates the differences of what a mosque is and what the so called “mosque” that is being built in New York is. He mostly focuses on the mosque in question and the fact that it is a community center for all members of the community. It is not just a sanctioned prayer building for Muslims, but is available for all religions. There are also many different facilities available for different activities. 

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of people of color and/or diversity issues (circle answer)
2) challenges or reinforces racist attitudes (Circle answer)

What “reality” is constructed/framed about racial minorities and/or diversity issues?
The reality that is constructed from this cartoon makes people question what the “mosque” that is being proposed actually is. It brings the reality of the fact that it is not a mosque, but a community center. When people say a mosque is being built on Ground Zero, it gives false ideas of what is actually being proposed. Enos paints what is actually in question and in turn makes others question their knowledge of the issue.