• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: Kristi Lambert
Publication: Daryl Cagle’s Political Cartoons Date: 9/1/2010
Cartoonist: Shlomo Cohen U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Ground Zero Mosque Color Cartoon# 8
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: Kristi Lambert
Publication: Daryl Cagle’s Political Cartoons Date: 9/1/2010
Cartoonist: Shlomo Cohen U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Ground Zero Mosque Color Cartoon# 8
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
Cohen’s cartoon is a very powerful image. He has drawn a twin tower crashing down and coming up in its place is a shape of a mosque in smoke. The mosque has a crescent and a star on the top, which is a long time symbol in the Muslim culture. Cohen’s drawing hints at the “victory mosque” that many have been calling the proposed community center.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of people of color and/or diversity issues (circle answer)
2) challenges or reinforces racist attitudes (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about racial minorities and/or diversity issues?
The reality that is framed from this cartoon confirms and reinforces the fear and prejudices that people have towards Muslims. This image is scary and gives the impression that Muslims are directly responsible for 9/11 and that they are now replacing the Twin Towers with a mosque. This cartoon also paints a reality that building of a “mosque” in one of the most well known places that stood for world unity, the Twin Towers, may signify that Muslims are trying to take over the world.
• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: Kristi Lambert
Publication: Daryl Cagle’s Political Cartoons Date:_8/18/2010__
Cartoonist: Bill Schorr U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Newt Gingrich Loves America Cartoon# 9
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
Schorr makes a blunt point with his cartoon Newt Gingrich Loves America. Newt, with a smirk on his face, has an I love America t-shirt on and then in the thought bubble says, “but I hate Muslims, Gays, Hispanics, Liberals, Democrats, Environ…” This says something about Newt and maybe how we should question what we as Americans think.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of people of color and/or diversity issues (circle answer)
2) challenges or reinforces racist attitudes (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about racial minorities and/or diversity issues?
• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: Kristi Lambert
Publication: Daryl Cagle’s Political Cartoons Date:_8/18/2010__
Cartoonist: Bill Schorr U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Newt Gingrich Loves America Cartoon# 9
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
Schorr makes a blunt point with his cartoon Newt Gingrich Loves America. Newt, with a smirk on his face, has an I love America t-shirt on and then in the thought bubble says, “but I hate Muslims, Gays, Hispanics, Liberals, Democrats, Environ…” This says something about Newt and maybe how we should question what we as Americans think.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of people of color and/or diversity issues (circle answer)
2) challenges or reinforces racist attitudes (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about racial minorities and/or diversity issues?
The reality that is constructed about racial minorities and diversity issues in this cartoon is that we call ourselves Americans and say we love our country, but we hate, despise, and fear many of those who make up our great country. America is a melting pot of ideas and people.
• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: Kristi Lambert
Publication: Cagle Cartoons Date:_8/19/2010__
Cartoonist: Milt Priggee U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: A Not-So-White House Cartoon#_ 10__
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
Priggee uses several different controversy issues that our country is facing to make a point of that much of it is fear mongering. A well dressed man representing the conservative side is screaming and using big actions to state different issues that may be upsetting to some. The other man simply asks if he ever gets tired of fear mongering. The man replies no because doing so works in getting people worked up and to think about the different issues that society is facing.
• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: Kristi Lambert
Publication: Cagle Cartoons Date:_8/19/2010__
Cartoonist: Milt Priggee U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: A Not-So-White House Cartoon#_ 10__
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
Priggee uses several different controversy issues that our country is facing to make a point of that much of it is fear mongering. A well dressed man representing the conservative side is screaming and using big actions to state different issues that may be upsetting to some. The other man simply asks if he ever gets tired of fear mongering. The man replies no because doing so works in getting people worked up and to think about the different issues that society is facing.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of people of color and/or diversity issues (circle answer)
2) challenges or reinforces racist attitudes (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about racial minorities and/or diversity issues?
There are two realities that could be framed in this cartoon. One idea is that people may see these issues and controversies and decide that they really are something to be worried about. It raises the question of something should be done, but what? The other idea that some may see is that most of these issues that people get so worked up about are really due to fear mongering, or to use fear to influence peoples actions and opinions towards these issues.
• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: ZachDau____
Publication_________The Association of American Editorial Cartoonist_______
Cartoonist Stephen Rustad Date:___August 23, 2010____ U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon:_____Ground Zero Mosque_______ Cartoon#__5__
What action is taking place in the cartoon? Two Muslim men are conversing about religious in America with the building of the Ground Zero Mosque. Behind the men is a large billboard in the background talking about a million dollar Mosque that is about to go up.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of people of color and/or diversity issues (circle answer)
2) challenges or reinforces racist attitudes (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about racial minorities and/or diversity issues?
The reality that the cartoon constructs is that Muslims in American see the building of the Park 51 mosque as a victory. Although neither men says it out loud, the gentlemen on the right is thinking it in his head. He is not seeing it as a victory for Americans but as a victory for the 9/11 terrorists that attacked on 9/11. This cartoon implies that that's the real drive behind the mosque according to most Americans.
• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: Travis D. Bourne
Publication Freelance, Los Angeles Date:8/13/2010
Cartoonist: Steve Greenberg U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Mosque Cartoon# 11
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: Travis D. Bourne
Publication Freelance, Los Angeles Date:8/13/2010
Cartoonist: Steve Greenberg U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Mosque Cartoon# 11
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
The American flag, along with American tolerance, flies high over the Ground Zero mosque, which gives indication that a resolution has been found. However, the shadows of the Mosque give a clear message that although the mosque is built, the deaths involved in the World Trade Center will continue to linger.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of people of color and/or diversity issues? NEGATIVE
2) challenges or reinforces racist attitudes? REINFORCES
What “reality” is constructed/framed about racial minorities and/or diversity issues?
The negative framing of the cartoon allows the reader to assume that although America has tolerance it will never forget what happened on 9/11. It further illustrates that behind the Mosque is the shadow of Fanaticism, which has been associated with Muslims.
The "reality" is that Americans will proclaim they have tolerance, but will "always remember." What Americans - or Muslims - think and say are two different things - light and shadow.
• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: Travis D. Bourne
Publication: Freelance/ Los Angeles Date:8/9/2010
Cartoonist: Mosque near Ground Zero U.S./International (circle)
Title of cartoon: Arend Van Dam Cartoon# 12
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
Construction of the Ground Zero mosque is underway, perhaps being built by “American” contractors. However, the cartoon is emphasizing that the mosque is being built literally on the grave site of those who died on 9/11.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of people of color and/or diversity issues? NEGATIVE
2) challenges or reinforces racist attitudes? REINFORCES
What “reality” is constructed/framed about racial minorities and/or diversity issues?
This is a negative viewpoint on the Mosque, as shown in the cartoon's presentation of the Mosque being built on a grave. This cartoon is playing with the "American belief of death," and the reverence that most people have for the deceased. It's also presenting the idea that desecrating a grave is abominable, particularly by the "very people" who caused the murders.
It is framing the information that Muslims are moving ahead and building while America is still in mourning.
• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: Travis D. Bourne
Publication: Sweden Date: 8/16/2010
Cartoonist:Olle Johansson U.S./International (circle) - International
Title of cartoon:Ground Zero - Line Art Cartoon# 13
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: Travis D. Bourne
Publication: Sweden Date: 8/16/2010
Cartoonist:Olle Johansson U.S./International (circle) - International
Title of cartoon:Ground Zero - Line Art Cartoon# 13
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
A member of Al Queda is reading an American newspaper and confused why Obama is allowing a Mosque to be built on Ground Zero while he and his unseen comrades are seeking to destroy the country.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of people of color and/or diversity issues? NEGATIVE
2) challenges or reinforces racist attitudes? - REINFORCES
1) positive or negative framing of people of color and/or diversity issues? NEGATIVE
2) challenges or reinforces racist attitudes? - REINFORCES
What “reality” is constructed/framed about racial minorities and/or diversity issues?
Negativity includes a rather stereotypical image of "the enemy. It seeks to confirm the American view that all Muslims are machine gun/bullet-toting soldiers hiding in caves. The reality includes reinforcing the "fact" that they want to kill the USA, and is agreeing with many beliefs that Obama is siding with the enemy.
• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: Travis D. Bourne
Publication: Montreal Gazette Date: 9/14/2010
Cartoonist: Aislin U.S./International (circle) - International
Title of cartoon: Mosque May Be Moved Cartoon# 14
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
A newspaper article describing the efforts of moving the Mosque away from Ground Zero. However, their new option seems less flattering next to the Statue of Liberty.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of people of color and/or diversity issues? NEGATIVE/POSITIVE
2) challenges or reinforces racist attitudes? - REINFORCES
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of people of color and/or diversity issues? NEGATIVE/POSITIVE
2) challenges or reinforces racist attitudes? - REINFORCES
What “reality” is constructed/framed about racial minorities and/or diversity issues?
I feel the framing is negative, giving the assumption that the Imam behind the Mosque project and those involved in the construction are exploring "all options," which include placing itself on Ellis Island - which is a symbol of welcome and promise.
However, the "Why not" quote insinuates the notion that Muslims look to the Statute of Liberty as a symbol of welcome to and promise in America. However, Americans can see this as an invitation to more terrorists, an that the country is being overrun.
The reality presented includes Imam claiming to "explore all options" while not really acting on that claim, and taking advantage of "all the options" by overtaking everything that represents freedom and American values.